Sunday, October 31, 2010

quotes from desmond

"To be neutral in a situation of injustice is to have chosen sides already. It is to support the status quo."

I'm sitting in Borders (a bookstore) and I picked up this book of Desmond Tutu quotes. There were some great thoughts and wisdom so I thought I'd share a few quotes with you.

But first, here's some info about Desmond Tutu: He became famous during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid and was the first black South African Archbishop of Cape Town. Desmond Tutu denounced the South African system of apartheid and called for equal rights for all South Africans. After apartheid, he was appointed as the chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, investigating the human rights violations during apartheid. Archbishop Tutu counseled forgiveness and cooperation, rather than revenge for past injustice. He has been active in the defense of human rights and uses his high profile as a champion for the oppressed.

Here are some quotes about justice and injustice:

"When we look squarely at injustice and get involved, we actually feel less pain, not more, because we overcome the gnawing guilt and despair that festers our numbness. We clean the wound - our own and others' - and it can finally heal."

"In a situation where human life seems dirt cheap, with people being killed as easily as one swats a fly, we must proclaim that people matter and matter enormously."

I'm excited to get involved, to be a part of what God is already doing in Thailand. I don't want to shy away from hard issues - I want to be engaged in the fight against injustice. I want to speak out about the value of each life. I want to feel God's love for every person that He has created in His image.

I also loved this other quote:

"When you have a hand and you have only the separate fingers, it is easy for people to break the fingers. But when you put the fingers together it is difficult to break them. Let us come together and be one, let us be people of peace, let us be people of harmony."

This speaks to me about the importance of unity, of working as a team, of the body of Christ. On my own, I would have very little impact and not very much would change. But I'm part of a team! A team of 9 women who are going to be serving in Thailand. A team of all the people who are supporting and praying for me - as a person reading this blog, you are a part of that team!

One last quote:

"Nothing is too much trouble for love."

Thank you for being a part of the team of people that are supporting me financially and in prayer! Please continue to pray for me and contact me if you feel that God is calling you to support me as I go to Thailand. Thank you!


  1. Awesome Katie. thats some great wisdom.
    thanks for sharing.

  2. Katie thankyou so much for sharing your journey spiritual journey with us on your blog! It is so encouraging! Kev and I are leading a team to Ireland in February for a mission trip and keep thinking of you and I running around in our dusty yards in Botswana as little girls! Who would've known what God had in store for us! I look up to your for your trust and obedience to God. I'll be praying for you!
