Sih is 11 years old. This girl is so beautiful and full of grace (and she’s incredibly smart)! Sih showers me and Abbie with hugs and kisses everytime she sees us. Her arms are always wide open and ready for a hug. She loves singing and playing guitar and getting head massages.
Sophia is 8 years old. She has a contagious laugh and loves to play! She's always trying to climb up somebody and get into their arms or get them to give her a piggyback ride. She is very active...but when she gets tired, she's always ready for a cuddle!
Patcha is 11 years old. She is such a tomboy and loves to run and play and bike around the Abba House yard. Sometimes it’s hard to tell how she’s feeling and it has been difficult to get close to her. But Patcha is very smart and good at English and is great at drawing pictures!
Laa is 10 years old and is the only boy at Abba House. He loves his roommate Dave, who is from the U.S. and is living here for a year. Laa is always quick to answer questions in English class (sometimes we even have to tell him not to speak because he tells everybody else the answers!) Once after class, he carried my bag for me back to the room – what a gentleman!
Gift is 9 years old. When I first met her, she was very quiet and it was difficult to get her to engage in English class. She just wrote in her notebook and didn’t want to answer any questions. But within a week, Gift had totally warmed up to us! Now me and Gift love to make silly faces together and have special faces that we make for each other. Last night we discovered that we have the same birthday! AAA! We were SO excited! Birthday buddies!
It has been so fun for me and Abbie to teach and play with these five amazing kids. In class, we love to play games and sing songs and play with animal puppets! Since they've been at school all day, we try to make learning English fun for them. And after English, the fun continues as we chase them around the yard - we have learned lots of Thai games from the kids. Our times with them usually end with lying under the stars and singing together or tickling their backs.
For our last class, we had a little party! We ate some snacks, took lots of pictures and some videos, and played games (hide-and-seek-in-the-dark). Here are a few more pictures of our class together - we like to get a little crazy!
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